Please donate to Herbert's legal fund. Help us seek Justice!    

 Herbert J.Blakeney FB-5713, is a wrongfully convicted Death Row Prisoner. Herbert was found guilty of the murder of his 14month stepson in Feb. 2000. In actual fact the child was murdered by a Harrisburg Police Officer . Herbert suffered from gunwounds to the left shoulder, right thigh and as Herbert held his hands up in front of his face, a bullet passed through his left hand and lodged in his right cheek.This final bullet resulted in the amputation of Herbert's left index finger and his scalp was cut from ear to ear and his face peeled forward to remove the bullet from his face. Part of his face had to be rebuilt. All of this resulted from a domestic argument with his ex wife and their babysitter. Herbert has never covered up the part he played in the dreadful situation that night. His story has never waivered. Herbert was extremely traumatised, after all he had been shot by a Cop and almost died, he had watched the same cop kill his little stepson, and then he came round from intensive surgery to find he was being charged with the murder.Herbert no longer trusted ANYONE and decided to represent himself! What followed was a cover up job for the Cop! At the time of the trial, Herbert was suing the Prison Board for the torture he had suffered in Dauphin County Prison. Judge John Cherry presided over the trial but this Judge was a member of the very Prison Board Herbert was suing and should not have been appointed the case, (conflict of interests). Evidence went astray and witnesses Herbert asked for weren't subpoena'd properly. The truth is, Herbert's statement was the only one to match forensic and physical findings. The 3 Cops involved all gave different statements and had the murder happen in 3 different places in the house. Just recently, the Attorney General admitted to a Philadelphia news reporter that there was a problem with the case ie. lack of the childs blood on Herbert. At the scene, Herbert's D.N.A. and the childs was found but there was also another person's D.N.A. found and tested. Even though it came back as 'unknown', no one else's D.N.A. was tested! After sentencing Herbert was given a message.......If you don't drop the charges of perjury against the Cops etc. I'll slow down your appeals and you'll be in Prison a long time. Why?...because he's innocent and he wants justice not only for himself but for that little boy. Why should someone in Authority be allowed to hide behind his badge? Where's the justice in that? So that's what's happened. His case was affirmed on May 1st '08. Despite death threats,Herbert has filed a Perjury case and a  Civil Rights case !




The paperwork involved in this case is vast. It's impossible to upload it all here.If you require any clarification or evidence of the above, in the form of Legal documents , feel free to contact HERBERT  by e-mail : 

or alternately you can fill in the contact form .


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